Don’t need your 529 plan anymore? Consider converting it to a Roth IRA
If you find yourself in a situation where you no longer need your 529 plan for education expenses, converting it to a Roth IRA may be a smart financial move. One of the significant advantages of a Roth IRA is the potential for tax-free growth and withdrawals in...
Understanding Wealth and Planning Management in the Financial Industry
Wealth and planning management are essential components of the financial industry, enabling individuals and organizations to optimize their financial resources as they strive to achieve their long-term goals. Wealth management involves the professional management of...
Asset Location: Helping to Maximize Returns and Minimizing Taxes for Your Financial Future
Introduction: Asset location is a crucial decision in investment planning that involves placing different types of investments in various types of accounts to help maximize returns and minimize taxes. Utilizing the correct asset location will allow you to optimize...
Financial Wellness in the Workplace: Strategies for Employers and Employees
Financial wellness is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and it plays a significant role in the workplace. Employers and employees can work together to improve financial well-being by implementing practical strategies that promote financial stability and...
Financial Tips for Different Life Stages
Financial guidance can greatly benefit individuals at different life stages, as each stage presents unique financial challenges and opportunities. Here are some key financial tips tailored to specific life stages, including young professionals, families with children,...
Managing Finances During a Career Transition
A career transition can be a challenging time for one’s finances, making it important to manage them effectively. Here are key pieces of advice to help you handle financial matters during a career transition. Budgeting: Creating a budget is crucial to ensure that you...
Common Mistakes in Retirement Planning
Introduction: Planning for retirement is a crucial step in securing a financially stable future. However, many individuals make avoidable mistakes that can negatively impact their retirement years. In this article, we will explore several common mistakes people make when it comes to retirement planning and provide actionable advice on how to prevent them. By understanding and avoiding these pitfalls, individuals can enhance their chances of achieving a comfortable retirement lifestyle.

The Benefits of Financial Planning for Young Families
Financial planning plays a crucial role in the lives of young families, providing them with a solid foundation for a secure and prosperous future. By implementing effective financial strategies, young families can navigate through various stages of life with...
Medicare Seminar Q & A Supplement
Please review, and if desired, download and share the attached summary. The attached information has been furnished by a third-party and is being provided to you for your general information. John Hancock is not an affiliate of Equitable Advisors, LLC (Equitable...
How does “time in the market” work to your advantage?
Every time something new happens in the world — whether it’s economic, political, or even health-related these days — it seems like the market reacts. Large swings, especially, may cause you to react emotionally, making changes to your portfolio that may not be in...
Providing for your family when you’re gone
“How can I provide for my loved ones when I’m gone?” What would your loved ones do without you? It’s hard to contemplate, especially if you’re still young. However, if you’re a primary earner in your household, preparing now can help ensure that your partner, children...
Understanding what makes education affordable
“How can I make sure my kids can afford to go to college?” A college degree has never been more important. Today, many jobs that pay a living wage require at least a bachelor’s degree. If you’ve got children or are planning a family, you may wonder how you can...
Financial Planning for Your Growing Family
“My family is growing. What do I need to do financially to get ready?” Having children will change your life in so many ways, but the part you may not anticipate is how expensive a growing family can be. A professional can help you get your finances in order as you...
Saving for the Experience of a Lifetime
“How can I plan for the experiences of a lifetime?” Do you long for a secluded beach? The opportunity to learn a new skill? A chance for multiple generations of family to gather? A night out at an expensive restaurant? Experiences make our lives richer. In...
Investing in your passions
“How can I pursue my passion without jeopardizing my financial security?” Even if you love your job, you probably have something else that you’d rather do. Maybe you always wanted to learn to play the piano. Maybe you have an idea for a small business. Maybe you’re...
Including healthcare costs in your financial plan
“How can I make sure I can cover healthcare costs?” Healthcare costs are high and growing, but your financial professional can help you prepare for the unexpected expenses that can come with injury or illness. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid...
How to survive and thrive when one spouse retires before the other
Retiring can be complex, even at the best of times. When couples stagger their retirement dates, there can be further challenges — and benefits. While the traditional assumption has been that couples will finish their working lives together and start enjoying all the...
Caregiving and finances: it’s all in the family
As we begin the caregiving journey, we are mainly concerned about our aging parents’ well-being and safety. This can be a difficult time psychologically for adult children as they watch their parents, once vital and in charge, become frail and in need of help. In the...
Seven factors to consider if you want to move when you retire
While many people would like to stay in their homes as they age, it’s not always possible or practical. For example, your current home may be on two or more floors, which could be difficult for someone with mobility issues. It may be too large to maintain or be too...